Standing By Night in the House of The Lord.

      We shall stand by night in the house of the Lord.

      Isn't it just like the Lord to make a way where this is no way? Never had Kit and I imagined that the Lord would have us pack up our home and “BE READY TO GO” only to end up staying awhile longer... We did not have the provision to continue  to stay in Alexandria any longer so it never occurred to us that it was an option but a miracle happened when we shared with Bartholomew some of our circumstances and he surprisingly answered us with a very generous heart;

      “ I understand what you two are going through Kit and Susan .You can stay here another month and we will just use your security deposit for your December rent.”

      Now I am talking about a man who 2 years before this time when we we moved in to our home was vehement that our security deposit was NEVER to be used as last months rent. The Lords grace humbled us and our hearts were flooded with peace, our shoulders less achy and our stomachs ready for a delicious more butterflies and jittery nerves trying to figure how God would work it all out. Why couldn't we JUST ALWAYS BELIEVE and never fear.

      December 1st had arrived. In all of our drama and focus on where and how we were going, we had entirely forgotten it was Christmas. The beautiful season of magic, miracles and joy was upon us.

       ~ “ 'Tis the one fairy hour of life when the world seems all of light/for the thought of woe or the name of a foe never darkens the festive night.”~ In our reprieve, (not having to think about what we were going to do) we could finally breathe easy... Our first night being an evening of feeling coddled and convivial with apple-cinnamon scented candles, Boston Chicken with scrumptious creamed spinach, mashed potatoes with gravy and our favorite TV show but mainly our night was pampering due to our peacefulness and serenity knowing we had 30 days (or shorter if He desired) for the Lord to direct our next travel steps. Our minds, bodies and spirits could relax. “Lord, what are we going to do and learn in this next month? We obeyed you...our home is all packed up, we are ready to go, yet you are telling us, 'Not just yet.' It is all an intriguing mystery to us Lord and we are excited to see what you are going to do."


 ~ Journal Entry December 3rd, 2003 ~

      “Dear Lord...Thank you so much for bringing forth your miracle of allowing us to have a home for the next month. At times Lord, I am filled with your peace and I JUST KNOW everything is going to all come together...You have called us to go to Connecticut, we just are not sure exactly where, how and when...I believe you can do anything Lord...nothing is to big for you...What would you say to us now Lord as we wait upon you and trust you for your glorious works in this calling to The Kings Tavern?”


      “ Hello little lamb (He always calls me this.) ....Do not fret my little one for I AM here. You do know me, (hear Me) ...Rest...Be still. Look no further for your salvation has come. It is right before your eyes.”


      “Lord I will trust you...I do not understand all that you are saying, but I choose to not worry and to  trust...please Lord , OPEN MY EYES that I may SEE.” 

      By now you know that my passion in life is creating and that our home is one of my major canvases...A firm believer in composing beauty within every room so that we may live and enjoy life to its fullest. There is nothing quite like the muse of Christmas to get ones imagination going. Usually our home at Christmas time can be likened to a enchanted cottage... every room bedecked with a diversity of Santa Clauses from many years gone past, jolly snowmen of all shapes and sizes, topiary trees as well as a bounty of Christmas trees with twinkling white lights, each dressed in a variety of enchanting themes. Our dining table offers and array of baked cakes, cookies and specialty chocolates. We relish our Italian breads, wine and gourmet cheese afternoons as well as special evenings of entertaining our friends with savory and festive holiday meals. Every year Kit and I look forward to taking our annual Christmas photo by the tree.(Grantham posing with his reindeer antlers that never stay on long enough for the camera's flash.)  I revere the joyful task of typing up our lengthy newsletter for all of our friends and family residing in other states...Suddenly I realized that this December we would not have our normal Christmas. A sadness and feeling of melancholy came upon me. Yes I was still very thankful that the Lord had made a way, I just felt a loss as I knew everything was packed away...our home was no longer filled with color and warmth, instead its repeating hue was brown and tan, a myriad of boxes of all shapes and sizes filling every nook and cranny. This year there would be no Christmas coffee cake, home baked sugar cookies, Prime Rib cooking in the oven accompanied by fresh asparagus, Hollandaise sauce, Caesar salad and Kits all time favorite, squash casserole. I am happy to say that this bout of sadness and disappointment was shortly lived...The Lord quickly took it off of me and began to show me what HE HAD IN MIND.

      This Christmas He was going to do for us, not only blessing our spirits with all that He had to tell us about our upcoming days but like never before, (because I did not have the ability to do all the creating and decorating for the holidays this year ) we watched God bring forth a charming and blessed Christmas season that was such a treat to all of our senses.

       One of the first things that needed  immediate attention was our living room. It was our one and only livable room left. OK so it had a million boxes lining its walls and needed a little work... I knew I could do it, I just needed some thoughts from the Lord. He was faithful to give me some great ideas. Our couch was now our bed with its cozy designer blow up mattress inside. It just so happened, (Ha, I love those God times) that I  immediately found a box wit h decorative throws and pillows, thus my mission began. Being connoisseurs of comfort, our bed was covered in two beautiful goose down white comforters and now  with our pillows and throws, wallah , color had arrived. Another “just so happened” was that two of my smaller Christmas trees that I kept up all year long decorated for the different seasons were not packed as we had decided to take them 'as is' in the moving van. We quickly restrung them with golden amber lights, added a few Christmas scented candles and our room began to transform into a festive celebration of the season. Even though I had not sent out one holiday card, every day was a feast as I journeyed to the ma il box where we were continuously blessed by beautiful letters, sentiments and photos within our bounty of Christmas cards . My brothers James, Patrick and Chris sent Christmas packages with delightful holiday gifts, gourmet wines, coffees, gift certificates and before I knew it, our little living room was the happiest place on earth. (Thank you Jesus.) Our fridge had already been notably cleaned but we had some healthy dinners stored away in our freezer all from Trader Joes,  our new found and adored gourmet market as most of their entrees came in containers and could be heated in the oven or microwave. We used paper plates and actually enjoyed living without the fuss of pots and pans, dishes and glassware.

      I remember entrancingly watching the remake of  the Classic movie Little women with Wynonia Rider and Susan Surrandon. It is an  endearing story of the March family in Concord Massachusetts,  taking place during the war and the wondrous season of Christmas has arrived. As the narrator speaks,  we find out that as  the holiday season approaches,  it is by far the March families darkest winter as a temporary poverty has set in. What I loved most about this heart warming movie is that they made their own light. Believing that where there is necessity there is also invention, thus they created their own holiday celebration...Just to have fresh butter on Christmas morning was a miracle to them. They didn't care about gifts for  they had the joys  of one another. Every night Jo, Meg, Amy and Beth would dress up in homemade costumes transforming themselves into an array of animated characters  as they  took their paces in one of Jo's  amusing and boisterous  plays. (She was gifted with quite an imagination.)  The spirit within their home was one of gratitude and creativity. So it was for Kit, Grantham and I, except the Lord was the one filling our days  with all of His gifts and ideas creating in us hearts of gratitude every day for what He bestowed upon us.

      Though the Lord  had brought forth a cozy abode for us for our next 30 days, He bequeathed upon us another  HOMEY place to celebrate the season. You will never guess where? Less than a mile down the street was the renowned Barnes and Nobles. As we traipsed through the doors, we were enthralled by the fresh aromas of Star bucks coffee accompanied by newly baked breads and cakes from their bakery shop within the store. A dream come true...there were Christmas carols  playing non stop, a myriad of seating throughout the book store with its over sized chairs and ottomans as well as seating within the coffee shop itself. Yes this marvelous bookstore  in Alexandria allowed our Grahmmy to come in along side us . One of us would go and find some seats, the other would order our Christmas coffees, (topped with real whip cream) and  a scone or two. We would then load up with Christmas magazines,  an array of book s and enjoy many  hours as all of us, (the three musketeers ), enjoyed all the comforts of home. Another special treat for our Christmas season was going to a matinée. We would enjoy our tub of buttered popcorn... eating non stop as we were swept away by all the adventure and suspense of our movie, never realizing our container was already empty. (How could we have eaten the entire thing? ) But it was OK as we got a free refill. Our 2 holiday movies were Disney's The Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean, The Curse of the Black Pearl. It was our gift to each other ... Two relaxing afternoons away form our little abode. (Normally something we would not do over the holidays with all of the seasons hustle and bustle! ) Thank you Lord... You are so creative in your gifts. We continued to enjoy simple meals, fruit, fresh veggies and an occasional splurge to Carl's JR. or McDonalds.


       God Blessed us with a phone as well as our computers. Thank you Lord. Though we had lost a few people by this time, ( some friends and family members feeling like they could not continue to support us in our faith as they were not in agreement with us any longer) we still had a remnant of comrades cheering us on. Whether by e-mail or phone, we were still getting encouragement, prayer and love. God also blessed us with our TV as it was still unpacked, so we took the time to actually  watch Christmas shows and movies, our favorites being The Grinch, White Christmas with Bing and Danny and the beloved Charlie Brown. (All the shows that weave a beautiful web of comfort and nostalgia, evoking warm memories form Christmas' past!) I can remember us snuggling up at night, thanking Jesus for the very fact we had a TV so that we could enjoy the season in one more way.

       I can't leave out the beauty of Alexandria and Washington DC over the Christmas season. We took drives into the city as well as up into the hills of Virginia to take in all the gorgeous historic estates and mansions as well as the awe inspiring buildings in downtown DC. Each visit was an extravagant feast for our eyes. Whether a home, the grand and impressive monuments or both the Gothic as well as modern architecture of DC, we were blessed by all the beauty and splendor of Christmas time in the city.

      Amongst all the blessings God gave us as we lived in our 'packed up home', He blessed us even more so in our spirits...You see, by taking away all the distractions, busy chores and upkeep of our home, we had more free time. Our life was on hold and the Lord wanted our attention. As we began to spend more time with Him in this 30 days of waiting, He began speaking and revealing an abundance in the spirit to us. Those were some of the most memorable gifts of our Christmas 2003!


    ~ Journal entry December 10, 2003 ~

      “Good Morning Father...thank you for your constant support and encouragement to us through this journey to Connecticut and your Kings Tavern. In looking over my many journal pages of our hours spent together, I am so blessed at the reminders you have so graciously given … Thank you Lord for showing us that you are the great “I Am” who turned the water to wine, healed deformed and broken limbs. You healed all types of diseases. You are the healer of every hurt emotion, broken heart and wounded soul. You make something out of nothing all the time. Our inheritance is all from you and all that You have been given, You have given to us. Lord what is on your heart today for Kit and I regarding this journey?”

      “Hello Little lamb... I am ever present...clear skies, smooth sailing. I have packaged this, it has my seal. Rest in my arms for the journey is safe. Go each day in my name...I will guide you, you will know day by day. There is an OPEN DOOR created by Me will not be shut.” (As the Lord spoke this to me I was in the spirit and was actually flying in the clouds...In this vision, I was not conscious of who the pilot was, just that I was totally at peace in the best hands possible...a pure feeling of awe and reverie...Below me was perfectly smooth, still water..the skies were brilliantly blue and clear ...there was no turbulence or rippled water, no waves....It was glorious.”

      “Thank You Lord for assuring me that you are in charge of this journey that we are on and not Kit and I.”



        One way in the natural YOU KNOW God is getting ready to move you is that CLOSURE begins to happen on every side. A friend of ours, Martha from our Washington DC News company days took us to dinner at one of our favorite eateries in down town Alexandria, The Macaroni Grill to say goodbye. It was a magical night with our Italian entrees; delicious breads dipped in olive oil, basil , sage and an abundance of other secret ingredients. We reminisced about all of our crazy-head-shaking times (laughing now that we were no longer there) over fresh hot pasta, with diced pancetta, bacon, a superb cream sauce and grilled chicken. Is there anything better than pasta and fresh bread? Martha prayed for us and wished us the very best.  She did not possess any insight regarding our calling from the Lord. She bestowed upon us a bounty of encouragement and asked that God would meet us in our faith. Thank you Lord for bringing a finish and ending in the land you are now calling us to leave. Neighbors we had never heard from just “happened” to stop by to see how we were doing, thus we were able to share about our move to Connecticut. (Of course we could not tell them the whole truth.) but their affections were a blessing to us, wishing us well, saying they were sorry we were going. Graham's girlfriend Sasha's mom,  Sally invited us for Christmas eve dinner. Can you imagine, in all of our 2 years in our quaint community, never even once had we shared a meal with our neighbors and in our last few weeks, we  had wondrous fellowship over two dinners. God is so good...He knew we needed a good home cooked meal and some adult company. I will ever forget walking down our street headed to Sally's home, the cold air  blowing upon our faces. It was a beautiful winters night and magical as it was Christmas Eve. The one night where every child is overly eager to go to bed  so that Santa will surely stop by and grant all of their wishes and dreams. Our last 2 Christmas Eves we had guests. I was busy in the kitchen whipping up homemade Oyster stew, sourdough bread and Caesar salads along with a festive dessert, appetizers and gourmet wines. Then, after washing dishes and soaking in a hot tub, we would all settle in to watch Georg C. Scott in A Christmas Carol. Tonight was different. It was care free...we were the ones being treated to a feast. Upon entering Sally and Sasha's home, she gave us a quick tour and offered us something festive to drink . She had prepared a delightful dinner accompanied by a delicous wine, glowing candles and Christmas carols enhanced the evenings ambiance as they played in the back ground. We got to know our neighbor and her daughter in law entirely to late as we would be leaving soon but I will always remember the banter, chatting and the four of us celebrating Christmas Eve  together. Thank you Lord for this very special night. Other goodbyes...harder for us than the people, were our farewells to all of the wonderful times and memories our years in Alexandria held. We splurged in treating ourselves to one last dinner at our very favorite eatery just a short walk away...The Evening Star. It was the place that many a night we entertained all of our California family and friends as they came for a visit. I remember this restaurant being the one eatery where we shared an abundance of laughter, tears of joy, intimate conversations and the sharing of many dreams as we reunited with loved ones. We visited down town DC., recalling our first miracle, The National Press building. It was the place that held so many memories for us...some good and some bad but we chose to remember the great ones and all the growth the Lord brought forth. We relished taking in The White House's regal Christmas tree, the green wreaths with their vibrant red bows gracing all of the downtown streets and Old Town with Kings Street lit up like Disneyland during the holidays. We smiled driving through Del Rey with all of its many quaint shops. ..oh how many days we frequented its streets during all four of the gorgeous seasons. It was extremely hard to say goodbye. All of our beautiful Virginia snows and the times Grahammy would 'frolic and play the Eskimo way', (Kit joining him on many occasion) bringing tears to my eyes to see the joy they had in all the many feet of fresh, white powdery snow. Our many glorious and happy memories here were endless but Lord, it was only for a season....You told us ahead of time you were bringing us to Virginia and now, You said it is time to go! Thank you Lord for these wonderful 2 years..for all the growth and miracles You preformed as we have resided in this beautiful city.

   ~ Journal Entry December 17, 2003 ~

      “Hello Lord...It is almost Christmas day... what a glorious few weeks you have given us...I remember the day (after we returned from Connecticut in the fall) when You brought home so very clearly to my spirit the story of Jesus, while at the wedding in Cana turned the water into wine. His mother told the servants “Whatever He tells you to do, DO IT.” The servants played a part in His glorious miracle...they were told by Jesus to get the 6 stone 20-30 gallon water jars and told to fill them with water. They did not ask Him why or what, they just obeyed. As they did what Jesus said to do , He  turned the water into wine...the VERY BEST wine! I know You showed me that for a reason...Lord whatever You tell Kit and I to do...we will “DO IT!” Please do not allow us to make a mistake ...we place our trust in You alone.”

      " My precious daughter...Never before and never again will you see My glory like you will, for it is I who brings glad tidings. You have opened the door and I will come in power and majesty...Be expectant of nothing less . As I have told you, I will do. ….There is an open window of heaven.”

      "Thank you Lord..I believe what You have spoken to me and trust this entire calling is of you alone...Thank you for your promises and assurance...Lord deliver us from any doubts and do not allow us to take on this journey in our human capacity, logic or natural way of thinking. ...Let Your glory be shown. I love you Lord..thank you.”



      Christmas morning, (with our gift certificates from friends and family in California), we were able to get a few little presents for one another so we could have something to open. We had our delicious gourmet coffee and Entemans coffee cake.  (OK,  not quite as good as mine but it is a close second.) We put worship music on, praised God, gave Grahammy his gift, opened ours and enjoyed our Christmas morning. The Lord blessed our day with a few phone calls and just the peace of knowing He was with us and in control. Our Christmas dinner? Stouffer's lasagna, garlic bread and of course one of James' fine wines he had sent to us. We sat upon our couch bed, (the inseparable  three musketeers). The stars outside our cozy town home were shining bright though our windows...we had each other, the Lord, His promises over us ... All was well with the world.

       ~“ Star light, Star bright, an awesome star with all its might is glowing, showing us the sight of Peace for all this silent night.” ~  Yes thank you Lord for your awesome PEACE and for Jesus...and for a very blessed and wondrous Christmas 2003.

      The countdown was on....only a week until our months stay would be ending. As we got before the Lord  knowing He had granted us movers this time, we asked His blessing as well as favor as we called a few moving companies in faith. (We still did not know exactly where we were going for sure the day we left our home or the exact timing.) We just banked on God and what He would show us to do, even if it was going to be in the midnight hour again. The one company that stood out above all the others was  East Coast Van Lines. We scheduled them to come out and assess our home and to give us an estimate of moving costs. (In faith, we told them that the destination was Connecticut.) When asked for a specific address, we did not have one but that was OK with them. (I am sure they thought it a little strange but hey, we were use to this by now. ) Our sales guy John was very nice, thorough and amiable. He told us he would get the estimate right back to us, our moving date being December 31st.

      We got a call back very quickly...His rate was good, (nothing we could afford at that moment) but we told him we would let him know. We put it all before the Lord knowing He could and would provide a way and the means according to HIS PURPOSE. Each day that passed by, December 26th, 27th, 28th where we did not see God move or hear more of what we were to do, we did struggle with a bit of anxiety, OK, maybe more than a bit. ( I know we had promised the Lord we would never have angst again or doubt Him but in all honesty, it was a battle. ) (Growing pains!) Everyday we prayed and waited upon the Lord, meditated on all of His words to us and then we would feel one hundred percent better. By the end of the day, we would have to go back to Him to get filled back up again...He was definitely still teaching us to ABIDE IN HIM.

      We did not have the faith at this point to call John and arrange for the movers to come December 31st. Perhaps we weren't going  on the 31st?   So far, Bartholomew had not found a renter... We continued to wait upon the Lord. As we sought Him daily, He filled us with His peace without us having to know specifics. His peace was our compass and certainly our pathway!

      Bartholomew called...He had a renter. WOW! Her move in date would be the 12th of January.  He needed us to be moved out of the town home no later than the 10th so he could paint and get it ready. Talk about stomach we knew that no matter what, we would be  moving out of our home. The first days of January I think we were occupied with such an abundance of emotion and anxiety that it was hard to truly hear God as clearly as before...(Have you ever been in that place? It is a place you want to exit as soon as possible.) We called our friends and family asking for intercessory prayer and each time we hung up, we felt so much better. Tina would write to us via e-mail...always with encouragement and occasional a word from the Lord. (She too was a Godsend)

      Thank you Lord for our faithful friends and family. We knew we were very blessed to have such a wonderful team of support. True comrades who stood by us through our faith filled journey. Each one gave us strength when we needed it, helped us financially as they felt the Lord led them, prayed for us and  encouraged us every time we felt weak. My brothers James, Patrick, Chris and  dear  friend Margo were beyond faithful. As our time was coming to an end in Alexandria, it seemed we got more and more calls from our ' faithful 4.'  We all concurred that it was a given that God had called us to Connecticut...our hearts were yearning to return to the magical seaside village...None of us knew exactly how God would bring it about...I will never forget the day James offered to support us financially if we wanted to just go in faith to Mystic, get a hotel room and SEE what God would do. Just the offer made us cry tears of release, joy and gratitude. We put it before the Lord and felt His peace ...our hearts were elated. Was this His open door?  As we prayed and the peace continued to fill our hearts, this became our new plan and as long as God continued to confirm each step , we knew that our new abode, (for however long) would be our hearts longing, Connecticut. .


     ~ Journal Entry December 29th, 2003~


      “Today the Lord gave me a vision. Forever it shall be etched upon my heart...Kit and I were standing behind Jesus...It was Jesus as our shepherd as He carried His staff. He bowed before the throne of God. In this vision, I did not see the face of God...there was a knowing of being before the Father...He was was looking down upon us and the truth that I not only knew but heard was that 'IT WAS FINISHED.' I saw water. ..a reflection of water likened to a pond or a river with crystallized peaks upon  its surface.  In the very beginning of this vision, I saw the white of God's arm or hand moving...they were vague in appearance but again there was a knowing...I knew in this vision that the quest was complete, done and Kit and I were to rest. WOW! After this vision the Lord gave me several scriptures about His mighty arm moving in power as well as God preforming His marvelous works. I was in peace....I placed the vision before the Lord to show me in His time what He was saying through these visions pertaining to our journey.”

     What I perceived was that in the spirit, our journey had already been completed for God saw its beginning and ending...perhaps the Lord was showing me that we could not make a mistake and giving me the ending before it had happened in the natural.  Isaiah 46 :10 "Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done , Saying My counsel shall stand And I WILL DO ALL MY PLEASURE."

      After Kit and I prayed together, we both felt to call John back and ask him if their moving company would possibly consider moving us without a destination and allow us to pay the bill when the move was complete. Crazy to our logical side I know but we felt led to ask. It was as if the Lord put that possibility within our spirits and we had to ask. If John laughed at us and hung up, then that would be the worst that would happen. Surprisingly he said YES. As it turned out, they had a storage area in Maryland. They would come and move all of our things to Baltimore, charge us a monthly storage fee and move all of our things to Connecticut when we got our home. The only thing they asked was a $500.00 deposit. We were elated...we didn't have the $500.00 to give them but things looked more and more possible. Did we dare have them move us in faith? We began sending up our prayers “Lord You really have to show us this is of You.” We asked God to confirm this by having them release us from the $500.00 deposit. You have to understand that by going ahead with the move, (knowing we were going to have to pay thousands and thousands of dollars to get our belongings back) it was a decision that could only be done in the peace of God and in faith. Would He provide the monies when they moved everything to Connecticut? We called John and believe it or not, he waived our money upfront and they would do the move. When John asked what date would we would like the movers to come and Kit replied in 2 days, he was taken aback and said they never did their moves that quickly, could he call us back? It was the 6th of January and we needed to be out and have the house cleaned on the 10th. We prayed, “Lord we need You to move on our behalf according to your will.” Sure enough the phone rang and it was a 'GO'. We were dancing around the house with joy...we had a plan....The movers would come then we would clean, then Lord willing, we would venture to Mystic, get a hotel and SEE what God would do....Our faith was revved up...we had the peace of God and things were looking GOOD!

      A huge van arrived early in the  morning on January 8th... the guys were great.  It was such a blessing to watch all of them, (AND NOT KIT) lifting,  pulling, pushing, sweating and making their little grunts like weight lifters in a gym as they maneuvered  our belongings through the narrow front door.  With all of our addresses over the years shifting like the wind, Kit had done every single  move himself. This time he got to watch. By the late afternoon there we were....our home was empty and all of our belongings were on their way to a colossal storage house in Baltimore Maryland where they would stay until the Lord pr ovided for their return. It reminded me of the day we had  first moved in having just been hired by the Christian News company...It was like a dream only that day we were awaiting all of our things to fill up this cozy home where as now it was over, a new adventure to New England awaited us. We got a pizza, (just like we did the first night we we moved in), set up our blow up bed with a sleeping bag and pillows, lit candles and watched The Pirates of the Caribbean DVD on Kits laptop. The next day we would clean one last time, making sure that this homes new resident would have the same beautiful introduction we did when we first arrived.

      Our hearts were filled with an awe, excitement and joy that is hard to put into words. We saw the hand of God move. He had granted our desires. The movers had come and left. (And Kits back was feeling mighty fine, Not sure about all of theirs.) We were going to journey back to our beloved Mystic, we had support and our hearts were overflowing with  gratitude. We could not help but wonder... “What will you do next Lord?”

      It was now   January the 9th. We cleaned all day,  drinking way to much coffee, feeling both wired and tired at the same time if that is at all possible. I thought we would never finish cleaning windows, tubs, floors etc... but we did. We delivered our cable box back to the main office downtown and thought we would stay one more night, get a good nights sleep and then make our final departure for Connecticut early the next day.  As we sat on the floor trying to decide what to get for our very last meal in Alexandria, we felt the Lord begin to speak to our hearts and guess what? What He said to us brought a slight change in our plans....We were elated.

  This was the Lords doing; it is marvelous in our eyes...Psalms 118:23



Intro Before beginning on our journey with us, here is a little bit of our history!

Born a twin, I grew up in a loving family with five brothers and one sister. Much of my.......

CH 1 - The Vision In the year of 1997, the Lord gave Kit and I a vision for our future that would begin to change and reshape our lives forever.  ...
CH 2 - Confirmations will come!

     God is a God of confirmation!

CH 3 - Decorating and Hospitality 101  The Lord began showing me how to create.....
CH 4 - Our training continued God continued to train us up.....
CH 5 - The Call within the call I will never forget the day....
CH 6 - Quite the comical moment

  It was a funny moment in time..... 

CH 7 - More confirmations will come! Thank you Lord for always confirming....
CH 8 - Our Journey to the east coast begins... A new year, a New President and a new home.......
CH 9 - On our way to New Beginnings The first step of a journey is 'loosing your way.'
CH 10 - An unexpected turn Kit and I were taken aback by what transpired next..... 
CH 11 - Never question if God answers your prayers!    Just when things looked as if they were not going to happen...BOOM!
CH 12 - A New Chapter Begins Kit and I felt as if we were living in a dream world....
CH 13 - Finally....Virginia! The Lord had spoken over a year ago, He was moving us to Virginia....
CH 14 - A time of Transformations. There were some days Kit and I would leave the morning worship, shaking our heads....
CH 15 - A Light in our covered passageway. Kit and I were so relieved when the Lord showed us that the scriptures He was revealing were not about us....
CH 16 - Though the sail may tear, the Anchor holds. The Lord began speaking as my pen composed His words upon my paper....Change was coming....
CH 17 - A New Itinerary from the Lord He began to give me visions, a welcoming and peaceful scene before my eyes......
CH 18 - A New Haven The mystery of God was finally being revealed...we were elated......
CH 19 - A Land to win ~ Aquire in My Name. "Are you ready to go back to Mystic? This time your trip will be different as I....."
CH 20 - Counting Down, Before Blasting Off! Kit and I really did feel like we were ready to begin creating and "breaking ground" for the Kings Tavern.....
CH 22 - A Magical Return We were surprised when the Lords said; "How would you two  like to journey with Me to Connecticut  tonight?" 
CH 23 - Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread. With grins on our faces, Kit and I asked each other; "What do you think the miracles will be?"
CH 24 - Majestically , A Golden thread is woven. It was a dark, stormy night when....
CH 25 - An Unexpected Turn in the Road As we were crossing one of those scary bridges, our mobile phone was Tina
CH 26 - To Everything there is a Season It was a time we wished there was a phone line to Heaven so we could call them up and ask......
CH 27 - Befuddled, Bedraggled but Blessed. While enjoying our delicious dinner at On the Border, our phone rang and it was Miranda....
CH 28 - A Respite, A Miracle and A Detour If you do loose everything, you will not need to find the Lord in all of your pain...He will find you...
CH 29 - Chapter 29 ~ Be still and know that I am God.  Part Two of Journey to my Fathers heart is up and running. To read chapter 29, click on the new link ( part 2 of our journey) at the top or bottom of the home page or inside Chapter 29. Thank you and God bless you, Susan
CH 30 - The new Chapters 29,30, 31,32,33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, and 42 and 5 new Rabbit Trails stories have been published. Chapter 43 is in the making. God bless you, Susan

 As of April 30, 2017, Journey, Part Two  has 5 Rabbit trails story and I am currently working on Chapter 43. I hope you are enjoying The second  part of our Journey with the Lord. Bless you, Susan