Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread.

     Upon awakening in our hotel room, Kit and I were greeted by another stunningly beautiful New England wintry, snowy day. Filled with the peace and joy of the Lord, we had an excitement to see what He would write on this fresh new page of our lives in Niantic Connecticut.   As Kit bundled up to go and get our coffees in the lobby, the vision outside our room was magical  likened to the heartfelt scene in the movie The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.Looks kind of cold to me The awe inspiring scene I am thinking about is the enchanting moment when little Lucy is magically transported, (through a door inside the rather dignified and noble mansion) into the beguiling, entrancing land of Narnia. Lucy is so enamored with this new province that she is not the  least bit aware of the piercing frosty air or its sting  as she walks through the brumal fairytale forest  dressed in her summer attire,  where she encounters an aberrant and magical fawn, the lovable Mr. Thomas. Out of our front door, all of nature was awesomely blanketed in a brilliant white...the sky a soft gray. Each light outside the hotel amplified a warm and inviting glow as it glistened upon the frosty snow. Though the sun  was no where ready to take its eventide descent, it was surely taking a cat nap behind the clouds and foggy mists. Have you ever delighted in a winters day where all  of the prominent, colossal trees grab your attention as their immense branches are heavily weighted down with mounds of snow? Then suddenly, as you are taking in the glorious quiet and peacefulness of nature in its heavenly ambiance, you hear a loud snap and a pounding thud as a branch breaks and the dense white fluff forms a large hillock at the bottom of the tree?  ( One of those 'Capture in a bottle and save moments'  for sure.)  With our piping hot mugs of coffee, our TV bringing forth the news and happenings of the world on this January day, we took comfort in something very familiar...the cheery voices of Katie CouLets have some pizzaric and Matt Lauer on the Today Show. We thanked God we were warm, snug and filled with His peace. It was Kits and my 14th wedding anniversary. Usually a morning that we would be thinking about where to go for dinner, what special outfit to wear and what we wanted to order for our romantic evening gala . (Our conviviality usual consisting of a scrumptious dinner, glass of champagne and delectable dessert.) Today would be a different wedding anniversary as we would launch a new tradition and memory to our memoirs. We ventured out to take a quick peek at the home on the river and spent an afternoon of pure reverie as we sauntered through our beloved Mystic.  Just driving down the whimsical street and seeing the amorous house nestled upon the snow dusted landscape amongst the glossy icy river, we were brimming with a joy so magnificent. All of our emotions lined up in perfect harmony with a sense of a pure undisturbed peace and a gallant hope.  We drove downtown,  parked and strolled along the colorful and quaint streets. We were unsure of how God would move or when  but we felt at ease and at home as we passed by the quaint shops with many of the shopkeepers waving hello. We took great delight taking Graham into the Doggy  bakery, choosing a savory biscuit for him (as he drooled with anticipation) and stopping in at the coffee pub ordering two hazelnut lattes to keep us warm through our wintry, chilly walk. The Bascule bridge , Mystic Pizza Food, I love foodrestaurant and even the ice cream shop (though we were chilled to the three candlesbone) were such comforts to us...all familiar sites of our adored Mystic. The day was perfect. Our evening celebration of our wedding anniversary consisted of a candle light dinner in our hotel room,  where Graham, Kit and I dreamily snuggled up on our bed, (the three musketeers) , enjoying our hot delicious Italian soup, warm rolls and a gourmet salad from  McQuades. Instead of a dinner imbued with romance, our meal was an inspiring cuisine of coziness, peKit and Susan at Patricks weddingace and gratitude for ALL THE LORD had done and was doing.  We promised each other when we were settled, we would have that night out on the town with plenty of romance, champagne and a joyful  toast to all the wonderful years of married life the Lord had blessed us with.  

      Our days in Connecticut continued to be filled with prayer, worship and journaling whatever the Lord shared with us as we did not want to miss a single detail. Kit worked on his site for Barbara and a few other DC clients and we both enjoyed the comfort of our friends as we would exchange e-mails and phone calls. The staff at our hotel generously offered their laundry room for Kit and I to do some quick loads of laundry. We visited McQuades to get our groceries, always pleasured to see smiling faces and hear friendly voices. Yes, I was still energetically Lets all go and jump on our beds right now...   GO!!!jumping up and down on our bed for my aerobic exercise to the wondrous tunes of Michael McDonald's “Ain't No Mountain High enough" and "How sweet it is to be loved by You.” ( Imagining that all of the lyrics were about the Lord and His love and faithfulness to His kids.) Hey, you get your faith boosters in all shapes and sizes!

      One morning, amidst the soothing sound of the water running as Kit showered and Graham snoring by the front door, (dreaming of his play time in the snow) , my world and mind slowed down. I closed my eyes and began quieting my spirit before the Lord. Suddenly, I was thinking about our lost mooring...tempted to once again go to that chagrined place,  I quickly gave the situation back to the Lord. You see the enemy knew  it was my weak place...I was so close to this person and the enemy was trying so hard to pull me down with all the emotional pain that  this loss  had brought forth.    My heart was so appreciative of Gods love and the healing He brought the night before. As I listened to Him and not my feelings, I was once again at peace. That is always our temptation isn't it? To allow our feelings about life’s hurts to rule us instead of our Father's voice and truth to us.  I have learned, (still am learning), that JESUS is truth, not my feelings. (Boy is this a hard one for me! ) The Lord returned me to that safe place again...a place I asked Him to keep me in everyday.

      I was thinking about how Jesus Himself had a “midnight hour.”   It all took place on a very lonely, dark and roweling evening. God had chosen 12 very special friends for His son... He gave them to Jesus for support and fellowship while on His earthly quest.  The very night that Jesus needed His friends the most, they were not there for Him. In the renowned garden of Gethsemane where Jesus was united with his beloved friends, He asked them to stay awake with Him as He he was facing His most difficult hour. Who knows why His cherished and intimate friends did not stay awake with Him this dark evening. Why did they go to sleep and leave Jesus alone?  Was it an attack of the enemy? Was it that they were just physically exhausted and to tired? We do not know for certain but what we do know is yep my best freindGod is the one that came through for Jesus. It was His Father alone who enabled Jesus to receive the strength and grace to take the cup He so vehemently in His flesh was crying out to God to take from Him. In surrender He cried out, “Not my will but Yours be done,” thus the Father brought Him through, not a single man by His side in that hour. The Lord has shown me that yes, many a time He gives us friends, family and support to obey His calls upon our lives but there are also times He may choose to take them away for His purposes, thus  we grow up a little more into the vessels He desires us to be. This video, (Bebe Winans), that I am sharing fits perfectly with our times where God calls us to 'BE ALONE' with Him.  A time I liken to being on the edge of a towering you look down, all you can see beneath you are white capped waves , splashing vehemently against the jagged rocks... The Lord says, “Jump, I will catch you.” Though your frightened beyond what mere words can convey, the only way you'll  know He will catch you and you will indeed be safe is if you obey Him, take the risk and jump. So much easier said than done...But oh, when you do it, the new intimacy you encounter with the Lord is again, beyond words.  You have entered a new realm with the one who loves you most! Little did Kit and I know that there would be many a “jump” on this journey...loosing this mooring was a jump we didn’t even see coming. Our faith was growing and the Lord was preparing us for even more. Turn your speakers up and enjoy this inspirational song.

      “If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere.”~ Frank A. Clark

      “Convert difficulties into opportunities ..for difficulties are a divine surgery to make you better.”



     Amidst the difficult days there were many a wondrous day as well. (That is just how the Lord is.)  Not to say we did not appreciate all the growth and new intimacy with the Lord that testing brings forth, (because we did) but we also welcomed the lighter days and times of repose and fun that He gave us. One day that stands out in our short winter season in New England is the day we visited a church in New Haven. One late afternoon our hotel phone rang and to our delight  it was one of our moorings, Margo from the west coast. Susan and her friend Margo

      “Kit and Susan, I really believe the Lord has put it on my heart to share with you about a church  that someone told me is  simply is  located in New Haven. I know it is a bit of a drive for you both but if there is anyway you can get there, I think you should pray about going.” Delighted by her call, comforted by her warm friendly voice and encouragement, we prayed and heard the Lord say it was a go.

      Before we took our drive to New Haven, God graced us with a day of of those days that our time with the Lord was so great it elicited an awe and wonderment. There we were, quietly waiting upon the Lords voice when He spoke to us, bringing forth such a sweet presence of Himself accompanied by a mesmerizing peace.  He blessed Kit and I with  such a knowing within... The kind of knowing that did not need any language to define it.  The assurance from the Lord was this... “Susan and Kit, the gift of faith I have placed within you is now complete.  You fully believe that which I have promised to you. It is yours. It doesn't matter if it is unreachable in your own power...You know that I HAVE done it is settled...The  twoMiracles...   We can all use them  of you shall stand.”  Because this was all happening in the spirit, it is hard to put it into words but I never again struggled with my faith that The Lord had truly spoken to us.   We were liberated from thinking that there was anything MORE Kit and I needed to DO to acquire this magnificent gift from the Lord. Thank you Jesus.... The Lord then  spoke the words, “ Miracles....You and Kit will see many miracles.”  Now that was enough to fill our spirits and souls for the entire week and then some.  Thank you Lord...Your encouragement is like a refreshing cool spring in the middle of the scorching hot desert, a steaming hot cup of coffee in the freezing morning air or a long soak in a hot bubble bath when our muscles are aching.

      We arrived to a beautiful neighborhood in downtown New Haven. Looking down at the city(Ah, I remembered this area when we first visited New England in the earlier autumn season.)  The church was packed...the people very amiable and the presence of the Lord was welcomed. After many a warm greeting, we found two seats towards the back of the sanctuary.  Worship was wonderful. Just the feeling of being amongst believers, singing praises to Jesus and 'rocking out' was rejuvenating. ( Yes...the praise music evoked a strong desire to dance and let loose in the spirit as the worship band was extraordinary and anointed with a soulful beat....The only thing missing was Al Green himself.) The pastor was young, very charismatic and the word he delivered that morning was greatly received. Upon invitation, Kit and I got up out of our seats to go down to the altar... An altar call for prayer regarding any thing you might be facing that you wanted a touch from the Lord for. Well, let me say that because most of the congregation needed that 'special touch,' we were near the end of a long line of people waiting.  The pastor called a few of the elders to join him in praying for everyone.  It was a joyous many desiring so intently a special touch from the Lord, all hungering for JESUS! (What could be better?) Our wait held no disappointment as what happened next was life changing for Kit and I. While the  worship music was playing softly in the background, the pastor had finally reached Kit and I in our long awaited moment. He placed his hands on both of us as he  prayed in the spirit and then looking up at Kit and I, spoke these words,     "The Lord would say to you two... His delay is not a denial...His delay in your request is not a denial. He has heard your requests and will grant them. Miracles, miracles...yes you will see many miracles.” Now this man did not know us, our journey or circumstances. Our hearts were filled, our spirits overflowing as the Lord brought us such a glorious confirmation of His words to us. We left the church, (our tanks  filled to the brim), talking and sharing about what the Lord had done. Thank you Jesus...You knew exactly what we needed today...thank you for Margo, her call and your encouragement!

 lets go for a swim    On our way back to Niantic, we decided to drive a little bit further to Mystic where we visited a lovely Mexican eatery overlooking the romantic and charming seaside town where we shared a fresh  basket of warm tortilla chips, homemade Pico De Gallo and a spicy entree. Our table was situated upstairs where we lavished our view, delicious cuisine and the joy of the words from the Lord. With humongous smiles upon our faces, we  asked each other, “What do you think the miracles will be?”

      As January came to and ending and the romantic month of February arrived, we no longer had the security of knowing we were paid up for a week at a time at our snug abode at the hotel. The Lord was requiring our trust in Him  now to be “one day at a time.” This got a little interesting let me tell you! (We were better at trusting the Lord weekly. ) (OK Frank...we are thinking about your quote right about now… a path with no obstacles doesn’t lead anywhere...)  Lord grow us up into your ever- trusting vessels. 

      So, daily it was...each day the Lord provided. Yes, some days we did the “packing up thing” like we had when we had spent our first week in the hotel  as the provision did not come before the 11:00 AM check out time but faithfully each day, God told us to trust HIM and the  provision arrived. Whether through a check from Barbara for Kits creation of her website, another client of Kits in DC , a friend who just happened to call and share that the Lord had put it on their heart to send the provision for a night, (love those 'just happened moments'), the Lord took care of us daily. The provision that revealed just how creative God can be with His faithfulness, ( that I still  smile at to this day),  was the morning I went to take my long hot bubble bath....about ready to jump in for those 15 minutes of pure joyous repose, I was quite surprised when the tub was filled with sand. Yes, sand was mysteriously creeping in through the water spicket. When Kit called the front desk, as a courtesy for our inconvenience, they gave us a free night...too funny! Lord, no matter the way..You always come through.Thank YOU!

      February 5th arrived.  It was one of those, '11:00 check out times where there was no provision', thus we packed up the computer and all of our belongings.   Right before we disconnected our computer, we received  an e-mail from our newly found friend Tina in Delaware. She had been in prayer for us and sent us a word from the Lord that gave us hope as well as brought tears, as it touched our very souls.  “Susan and Kit, the Lord spoke to me in prayer this morning. He said to tell you that “Even though your circumstances are changing, He has not changed, His will and call upon your lives IS STILL THE SAME.  Hold on and stand fast."   As we thanked Tina and told her that we were packing up and not sure what we would do next, she asked for our mobile number and said that she would be interceding for us. We headed out , our jeep full and packed to the max asking the Lord where we should go.  We decided to drive over to McQuades to get some hot  coffee and sit for awhile. As we sauntered through the aisles at the gourmet shop, our mobile phone rang. It was Tina...She said the Lord told her to wire us some money to our bank account so we would be able to stay another night at our hotel. We were touched beyond words that someone who barely knew us had offered to pay for our room that night. (That is just like Jesus in one of His servants, isn't it?)   We thanked her and the Lord and when the funds arrived to our account, we joyfully  drove back to the hotel. (The staff was so happy to see us once again, our old room cleaned and awaiting us. ) Thank you Jesus, and Tina.

      Snuggled up once again on our bed, heaps of snow settled outside our door, the three of us were so very grateful for Gods provision. We asked the Lord why  He was choosing to have us depend on Him this way... to not give us jobsa baby's hands or a permanent way to have provision while exploring our new land.  He revealed that it was all about abiding and trusting. It was our season to learn to trust Him  for His manna daily... To trust Him with complete abandonment as a child with their father. We submitted and allowed HIS PEACE to sustain us past our own understanding. Was it awkward? Humbling? Yes, sometimes. Did we feel judged and misunderstood at times? Another yes but it did not matter for this is what WE BELIEVED God was asking of us, thus we submitted to His will and we had His peace. A warm bed and soft pillows to lay our heads, another warm dinner, a familiar TV show and a soft candle burning... Every night the Lord gave us these gifts...We could not stop thanking Him as we fell asleep.

      Upon awakening the next morning in our hotel room, we saw that a colossal storm had hit Niantic. It was February 5th. As we took our showers, listened to Katie and Matt, had our coffee and got ready for a our day, there was no way possible for us to know that this day was going to be a day that would forever be painted upon the canvas of our lives... another major brush stroke from our Fathers hand upon the portrait of our "Journey to the Fathers Heart." Lord, Your creativity and endless love for us is beyond amazing.

    “My thoughts are not your thoughts nor are your  ways My ways. "  says the Lord...Isaiah 55:8


Intro Before beginning on our journey with us, here is a little bit of our history!

Born a twin, I grew up in a loving family with five brothers and one sister. Much of my.......

CH 1 - The Vision In the year of 1997, the Lord gave Kit and I a vision for our future that would begin to change and reshape our lives forever.  ...
CH 2 - Confirmations will come!

     God is a God of confirmation!

CH 3 - Decorating and Hospitality 101  The Lord began showing me how to create.....
CH 4 - Our training continued God continued to train us up.....
CH 5 - The Call within the call I will never forget the day....
CH 6 - Quite the comical moment

  It was a funny moment in time..... 

CH 7 - More confirmations will come! Thank you Lord for always confirming....
CH 8 - Our Journey to the east coast begins... A new year, a New President and a new home.......
CH 9 - On our way to New Beginnings The first step of a journey is 'loosing your way.'
CH 10 - An unexpected turn Kit and I were taken aback by what transpired next..... 
CH 11 - Never question if God answers your prayers!    Just when things looked as if they were not going to happen...BOOM!
CH 12 - A New Chapter Begins Kit and I felt as if we were living in a dream world....
CH 13 - Finally....Virginia! The Lord had spoken over a year ago, He was moving us to Virginia....
CH 14 - A time of Transformations. There were some days Kit and I would leave the morning worship, shaking our heads....
CH 15 - A Light in our covered passageway. Kit and I were so relieved when the Lord showed us that the scriptures He was revealing were not about us....
CH 16 - Though the sail may tear, the Anchor holds. The Lord began speaking as my pen composed His words upon my paper....Change was coming....
CH 17 - A New Itinerary from the Lord He began to give me visions, a welcoming and peaceful scene before my eyes......
CH 18 - A New Haven The mystery of God was finally being revealed...we were elated......
CH 19 - A Land to win ~ Aquire in My Name. "Are you ready to go back to Mystic? This time your trip will be different as I....."
CH 20 - Counting Down, Before Blasting Off! Kit and I really did feel like we were ready to begin creating and "breaking ground" for the Kings Tavern.....
CH 21 - Standing By Night in the House of The Lord. The Lord surprised us with what He had in mind...
CH 22 - A Magical Return We were surprised when the Lords said; "How would you two  like to journey with Me to Connecticut  tonight?" 
CH 24 - Majestically , A Golden thread is woven. It was a dark, stormy night when....
CH 25 - An Unexpected Turn in the Road As we were crossing one of those scary bridges, our mobile phone was Tina
CH 26 - To Everything there is a Season It was a time we wished there was a phone line to Heaven so we could call them up and ask......
CH 27 - Befuddled, Bedraggled but Blessed. While enjoying our delicious dinner at On the Border, our phone rang and it was Miranda....
CH 28 - A Respite, A Miracle and A Detour If you do loose everything, you will not need to find the Lord in all of your pain...He will find you...
CH 29 - Chapter 29 ~ Be still and know that I am God.  Part Two of Journey to my Fathers heart is up and running. To read chapter 29, click on the new link ( part 2 of our journey) at the top or bottom of the home page or inside Chapter 29. Thank you and God bless you, Susan
CH 30 - The new Chapters 29,30, 31,32,33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, and 42 and 5 new Rabbit Trails stories have been published. Chapter 43 is in the making. God bless you, Susan

 As of April 30, 2017, Journey, Part Two  has 5 Rabbit trails story and I am currently working on Chapter 43. I hope you are enjoying The second  part of our Journey with the Lord. Bless you, Susan