Quite the comical moment


     When I think about this particular day and moment in time, it really is capricious to say the least. It was in You have to love the treesthe early evening during the delightful season of Autumn. Kit and I were sitting in one of our all time favorite places,  the jacuzzi at our local gym. We had been working out for months in the early morning hours and one of our passions was to go over a few evenings a week and treat ourselves to a jacuzzi and swim. As we sat in that miraculously soothing hot tub, the warm jets of water pampering our aching muscles, I decided to share with Lets swimKit what God had said to me about  moving us to Virginia. It seemed like the perfect time as we both had been so busy all day and now we were freed  up from all that occupied our minds, ready to  relax for the rest of the evening.   Excited as well as a little nervous, I began to share.

     "Kit,  earlier today I felt the Lord was calling me to come and spend time with Him. As I entered into His presence and waited for Him to share His heart with me, He gave me several visions." 

     "  Really?  How wonderful Susan. What were the visions that He gave you?"

     As I began sharing with him about the glorious city that appeared and disappeared three times, the view from high above overlooking  the four states nestled together as well as  what I believed to be the hand of the Lord  in it's majestic awesome power,  both of us could feel the excitement within our spirits.  After chatting back and forth for a short while enjoying to the max our luxurious  and oh so comforting jacuzzi, (and the fact that we were alone with no fellow hot tub buddies),   I then told Kit the 'biggest' part  of what the Lord had told me.


      "I feel that along with all of these visions, the Lord  impressed upon me that He is getting ready to move us."

     With the expression of surprise on his face he sat up a little in the jacuzzi and asked;  

     "Really?  Did He tell you where we are going?"

     I then, with a bit of apprehension I knew must be showing on my face answered.

      " OK, don't faint when I tell you this but Virginia."   

    " Virginia ? Really? Wow! Did He say when? Are you sure?"      

   "I was a bit surprised myself when He spoke  Virginia. I would have never thought of that state in a million years.  I also  believe I heard 'Thanksgiving' when  I asked Him when we would be making the move."


      "Thanksgiving?" Kit said , his voice filled with  a mixture of both elation and anxiety  as this  blissful  and one of our very favorite  holidays was only weeks away.


       "I know! It doesn't seem possible we could be moving that soon. I am  sharing with you what I heard but we need to pray together  and seek confirmation from the Lord with all of this. I am sure the Lord has much more to tell us... but it is kind of exciting, don't you think?" 


       "Yes...it is...  VERY!"  Kit  said, his face flushed by all the extra minutes we had spent in the jacuzzi (and perhaps a little bit by the 411 from heaven I had  just shared).    


     To be honest with you Kit  really surprised me with his response. I am sure that it was God's spirit within him as he seemed to be fully at rest and had a peace with the whole idea of change.  It was as if the Lord had already been preparing us to move, we just did not know where. We then both expressed our thoughts of the same. Who do we know there, why Virginia, what is God up to? But, we shared an excitement and a peace that could only be from God. We sat there in the jacuzzi for quite some time, (Perspiring profusely  as we forgot how long we were sitting  in the hot steamy water captivated as well as a little baffled by our newly found call from God). We wondered what the Lord was up to and what He would share with us next.

     We arrived home to our safe and cozy abode...shared a glass of Merlot, sat by our fireplace comforted by the dancing flames,  (as it was a surprisingly cool September evening) enjoying our delicious cuisine of Dill salmon  baked with mushrooms and rice,  enveloped in peace, excitement, joy and  yes, a bit of curiosity.  It was a wondrous day and one that will forever be etched upon our hearts as well as  memories.

     Thank you Lord Kit's receptive heart, the sweet witness of your spirit,  the glorious, blissful jacuzzi and our cozy and quaint home.

Intro Before beginning on our journey with us, here is a little bit of our history!

Born a twin, I grew up in a loving family with five brothers and one sister. Much of my.......

CH 1 - The Vision In the year of 1997, the Lord gave Kit and I a vision for our future that would begin to change and reshape our lives forever.  ...
CH 2 - Confirmations will come!

     God is a God of confirmation!

CH 3 - Decorating and Hospitality 101  The Lord began showing me how to create.....
CH 4 - Our training continued God continued to train us up.....
CH 5 - The Call within the call I will never forget the day....
CH 7 - More confirmations will come! Thank you Lord for always confirming....
CH 8 - Our Journey to the east coast begins... A new year, a New President and a new home.......
CH 9 - On our way to New Beginnings The first step of a journey is 'loosing your way.'
CH 10 - An unexpected turn Kit and I were taken aback by what transpired next..... 
CH 11 - Never question if God answers your prayers!    Just when things looked as if they were not going to happen...BOOM!
CH 12 - A New Chapter Begins Kit and I felt as if we were living in a dream world....
CH 13 - Finally....Virginia! The Lord had spoken over a year ago, He was moving us to Virginia....
CH 14 - A time of Transformations. There were some days Kit and I would leave the morning worship, shaking our heads....
CH 15 - A Light in our covered passageway. Kit and I were so relieved when the Lord showed us that the scriptures He was revealing were not about us....
CH 16 - Though the sail may tear, the Anchor holds. The Lord began speaking as my pen composed His words upon my paper....Change was coming....
CH 17 - A New Itinerary from the Lord He began to give me visions, a welcoming and peaceful scene before my eyes......
CH 18 - A New Haven The mystery of God was finally being revealed...we were elated......
CH 19 - A Land to win ~ Aquire in My Name. "Are you ready to go back to Mystic? This time your trip will be different as I....."
CH 20 - Counting Down, Before Blasting Off! Kit and I really did feel like we were ready to begin creating and "breaking ground" for the Kings Tavern.....
CH 21 - Standing By Night in the House of The Lord. The Lord surprised us with what He had in mind...
CH 22 - A Magical Return We were surprised when the Lords said; "How would you two  like to journey with Me to Connecticut  tonight?" 
CH 23 - Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread. With grins on our faces, Kit and I asked each other; "What do you think the miracles will be?"
CH 24 - Majestically , A Golden thread is woven. It was a dark, stormy night when....
CH 25 - An Unexpected Turn in the Road As we were crossing one of those scary bridges, our mobile phone rang..it was Tina
CH 26 - To Everything there is a Season It was a time we wished there was a phone line to Heaven so we could call them up and ask......
CH 27 - Befuddled, Bedraggled but Blessed. While enjoying our delicious dinner at On the Border, our phone rang and it was Miranda....
CH 28 - A Respite, A Miracle and A Detour If you do loose everything, you will not need to find the Lord in all of your pain...He will find you...
CH 29 - Chapter 29 ~ Be still and know that I am God.  Part Two of Journey to my Fathers heart is up and running. To read chapter 29, click on the new link ( part 2 of our journey) at the top or bottom of the home page or inside Chapter 29. Thank you and God bless you, Susan
CH 30 - The new Chapters 29,30, 31,32,33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, and 42 and 5 new Rabbit Trails stories have been published. Chapter 43 is in the making. God bless you, Susan

 As of April 30, 2017, Journey, Part Two  has 5 Rabbit trails story and I am currently working on Chapter 43. I hope you are enjoying The second  part of our Journey with the Lord. Bless you, Susan